Monday-Saturday 8AM – 4PM

Watering your perennials before winter

It’s mid-November and snow is starting to show, which means that the deep freeze of winter is just around the corner. While you may think that there is no need to water now that cold weather is upon us, there are still some preparations that can be made before winter’s stay. We’ve gone over how to care for your deciduous trees and shrubs, as well as your evergreens, and now that there’s still some time, follow the instructions below about how to water your perennials and before winter, and next year they’ll awake with full force.

As explained by our Garden Center Manager and Horticulturalist, Sean Ducey:

How: Overhead watering sources. Sprinklers and watering wands work the best.

Where: Concentrate on watering the root zone of the plant, or the ground surrounding the base of the plant.

How much: One to two inches of water per week, or a depth of 8-12”.

How often: Pay attention to conditions like soil composition, sunlight and wind. These factors will cause planting areas to dry out faster or stay saturated longer.

Follow these simple steps until ground freeze, and your perennials will thank you for seasons to come.

Whispering Hills Garden and Landscape Center is a full service landscape center and nursery located in Cary, Illinois. Stop in today for our full selection of deciduous trees and shrubs, now 50% off. (Updated: 11/15/21)

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