Monday-Saturday 9AM – 3PM

Algonquin named Tree City USA for 25th year in a row

For the 25th year in a row, the Arbor Day Foundation has designated the village of Algonquin as a Tree City USA, for the village’s concerted efforts to maintain tree life within the Algonquin area.

The Tree City USA program was established in 1976 to recognize American cities and towns committed to urban forest management.

In order to be named a Tree City USA, towns must meet a specific criteria: maintaining a tree board or department, having a tree care ordinance, spending at least $2 per capita annually on urban forestry and celebrating Arbor Day. Algonquin has met all of these criteria for the past 25 years.

In a press release, village president Debby Sosine thanked the foundation, “Algonquin is pleased to receive this recognition for our urban forestry program,” continuing, “the honor acknowledges our dedication to conservation efforts and improving the quality of life in our community.”

In the same press release, Algonquin’s board goes on to state the benefits of being a Tree City USA, “[including] improved air quality, enhanced storm water management, annual energy savings, increased property values, and growth of commercial activity.”

“Algonquin continues to promote the role of trees and our natural environment in the community in hopes of preserving these resources and improving the quality of life for generations to come,” states the board.

Learn more about the Village of Algonquin’s urban forestry program at

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