It’s the end of the season here at Whispering Hills Garden and Landscape Center, and what a year it has been. Thank you to all of our customers who have shopped, scheduled services or attended an event with us throughout 2021. We wouldn’t have been able to get through these last two years without you. November is our last month of operations for the year, and as such, our hours are a little different than the rest of the growing season.

All plant material is now 50% off until end of season (Updated: 10/29/21)
Our hours are updated for November 2021:
We will not be open on Sundays during November
We will be open from 7-4 Monday through Saturday, beginning the second week of November (11/8/2121)
Our industry is weather dependent, so our final day of operation is to be determined. We will be staying open for as long as possible to serve your needs, as the weather allows us. This blog post will be updated when a clearer date arrises, and we will be posting to our social media accounts with the same information.
Thank you again to all of our customers and community members, we value your business and patronage immensely, and we are already looking forward to seeing you next year. To be the first to know when we open, and with what plant material, sign up for our newsletter below.
Whispering Hills Garden and Landscape Center is a full service landscape center and nursery located in Cary, Illinois. Stop in today for our full selection of hydrangeas and perennial shrubs, now 50% off until end of season (Updated: 10/29/21).
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