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Landscaping Near Me McHenry County IL

Landscaping Near Me McHenry County IL

Landscaping Near Me McHenry County IL – Whispering Hills Garden & Landscaping Center – Cary, IL – 8104 South Illinois Route 31 – Call 847-658-5610

Why Mulch is Good for Your Garden

Gardens can take on various characteristics, shapes and dimensions. Flower gardens, for instance, add an aesthetic feature to practically any type of property and can range from simple to quite elaborate. On the other hand, vegetable gardens, too, offer their own appeal and seem to be gaining in popularity as grocery prices keep increasing. Any type of garden benefits from the application of mulch.

Different Mulch Types for Gardens

Looking for Landscaping Near Me McHenry County IL facilities for good deals on mulch?

You’ll find a wide selection of mulch types at Whispering Hills Garden & Landscaping Center on Route 31 in Cary.

Mulch can basically be divided into two main groups: inorganic and organic.

-Inorganic. Also known as synthetic mulch, this variety may include ingredients like crushed rocks, pebbles, rubber or plastic. Inorganic mulch may tend to cost a little more than its organic counterpart, but it does not need replacement as often because it is resistant to deterioration.

-Organic. These natural mulches can include hardwood chips, grass clippings crushed leaves and other similar materials. Organic mulch breaks down with time, which contributes to good soil health. Obviously this is very beneficial especially if the soil quality in your garden is poor. Mulch limits the impact of winter and also helps control weed growth.

One of the key benefits to mulching your garden and landscape – besides the visual appeal – is that it helps contain moisture within the soil.

Need Assistance from Landscaping Near Me McHenry County IL Experts? Whispering Hills Garden & Landscaping Center in Cary is your go-to source in Landscaping Near Me McHenry County IL!

Mulch also helps to protect against erosion and from disruption due to lawnmowers or weed trimmers. Some types of mulch, such as cedar, pinewood or cypress, are effective at repelling pests like fleas, gnats and ticks.

Choosing the type of mulch that’s best for your own garden can depend upon a number of factors, including budget and personal preferences. If you’re interested in enhancing the fertility of your soil, for example, try an organic mulch. Talk to the experts our Landscaping Near Me McHenry County IL center in Cary for suggestions on mulching your garden!

Preparing Landscaping Near Me McHenry County IL for Winter

Applying mulch is among the most effective ways to defend your plants and trees against the frigid conditions of winter in McHenry County. Mulch provides moderation against the ongoing freeze/thaw cycle that can cause problems. Apply about three or four inches of quality mulch around the time when the ground starts to freeze. However, avoid mulching too close to plant stems and tree trunk. Shredded bark or straw are good for mulching.

Watering in Winter

Evergreens, in particular, can really struggle during the wintertime. If they don’t receive adequate watering, their water reserves could deplete. Consequently, that can leave them more vulnerable to winter “burn” and even death if their roots are not able to draw enough water. Temperature swings at the end of the winter season – when stretches of cold mix with warmer days – are tough on evergreen tree that don’t receive sufficient water prior to ground freeze.

Landscaping Near Me McHenry County IL Tips – Wrapping Trees

It’s a good strategy to give a little extra protection to recently-planted trees for the winter until they’ve grown enough to withstand the cold conditions on their own. Use corrugated tubing or wrap the tree from the bottom upwards with burlap. Remove the wrap when the tree starts to display signs of healthy growth in the later stages of winter or early in the spring. 

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