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Landscaping Near Me Barrington IL

Landscaping Near Me Barrington IL

Landscaping Near Me Barrington IL – Whispering Hills Garden & Landscaping Center – Cary, IL – 8104 South Illinois Route 31 – Call 847-658-5610

With the winter season just around the corner, there’s no time like the present for Illinois home and commercial property owners to prepare their lawn for whatever challenges the season might bring. By following just a few basic steps, you’ll help ensure that your lawn is ready to endure the conditions of winter. Plus, preparation can lead to benefits the following spring season.

-Put fallen leaves to good use. If left to pile up too long, fallen leaves can possibly smother a lawn. Leaves can be utilized for composting. If you prefer not to rake them up or remove leaves with a blower, you could use a mulching lawn mower that will save you a lot of work.

Looking for Professional Landscaping Near Me Barrington IL? Visit the Whispering Hills Garden & Landscaping Center in nearby Cary.

-Use compost for insulation in your garden. If you collect fallen leaves, you can add them to grass clippings, plant trimmings, fruits and vegetables in a compost pile. Don’t use inorganic material or plants to which pesticides have been applied. Compost is an effective way of protecting your garden so it stays rich with healthy nutrients throughout the winter.

-Aerate your yard before the winter season settles in, particularly for seasonal grasses. It’s easy to rent an aerator for reasonable rates. Before aerating, though, be sure to irrigate your lawn a few days ahead of time. After aerating, you can apply compost to effectively fill in the holes.

-Leave your grass on the shorter side for the winter. For the last few mowings of the season, steadily lower your mower’s deck to ease the grass to lower heights. This serves to keep mice or other pests from burrowing into your lawn for shelter for the winter.

Call the Landscaping Near Me Barrington IL experts today!

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